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RagnarV 09-25-2011 09:18 AM

The camel
A guy joins the Foreign Legion and gets posted to Fort Despair miles out in the desert. After a while he goes up to the sergeant and says,
"Here sarge, what do we do for women out here?"
-"How long have you been here?"
"Three months."
-"OK, the camel will be free this afternoon. You can have it."
"What the fuck do you take me for!!!!!!"
-"Look, everyone else takes the camel, it's up to you."
Later that afternoon the sergeant is doing his rounds and at the back of the fort he sees the guy up a step ladder shafting the camel.
-"What the hell do you think you're doing!"
"You said I could have the camel this afternoon."
-"You pea brained prick, you can have the camel to go into town to see the whores."

hoverfly 09-26-2011 10:40 PM

LOL. Thanks for sharing this.

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