hoverfly |
10-26-2011 10:22 AM |
We've got two, well, we think we've got two but with cats it tends to be more about who they have. LOL
Plus there are quite a number of their friends popping into the house as they please, our backdoor is open most of the time.
There is Ginger, a young tom that belongs to this absolutely beautiful Czech lady across from our garden.
There is Sarah, now a stray after having had the hell beaten out of her by her previous owners, so now everybody looks after her.
There are Spike and Josie from next door, Spike, a brown longhair, he is huge, absolutely enormous.
And sadly, another stray tom that we took to the vets because he was dripping from every orifice, he had to be put down. His whole body was riddled with cancer. The vet was really surprised that he had made it for that long.
Oh, there is a really shy black shorthair that we haven't named yet but time will come up with an suitable name for him/her.
All those hang around our garden and pop in anytime they like for food and drink. Costs me a bloody fortune feeding all those cats that aren't even ours. Well, never mind, we both just love their independent spirit. Someone once said that having a cat was allowing a bit of the wild into your house. I second that.