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RagnarV 01-13-2012 10:13 AM

The Good Ship Venus
Porlongation of Tinydick's pirate thread. Some foul mouthed muppets which make me laugh.

Sex Pistols and The Muppets-Friggin In The Riggin - YouTube

If anyone's interested, it's based on the true story of a whore called Charlotte Badger who was transported to Australia on the brigantine "Venus" in 1806. She persuaded the crew to mutiny and become pirates.

hoverfly 01-13-2012 11:12 AM

Thanks Ragnar, that was absolutely amazing, nearly wet my pants laughing so hard.

RagnarV 01-13-2012 02:03 PM

One verse the Muppets don't sing but which I particularly like goes....

"The ship's dog 's name was Rover.
We really turned him over.
We ground and ground that faithful hound,
From Tenerife to Dover."

RagnarV 01-13-2012 02:04 PM

Won't saved the last line fuck it. It goes.....

OK just found out why. Out of habit I always use the accented letters and the site doesn't recognise them and stops dead.

RagnarV 07-12-2012 09:04 AM

Banned on Youtube, but back again on Mojnet

Sex Pistols and The Muppets - Friggin in The Riggin

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