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RagnarV 05-02-2012 04:35 AM

One from down under
1 Attachment(s)
Good one from down under - on the tails side of the two dollar coin there's an Abo. You can see the flies buzzing about his head.

Attache 05-02-2012 05:25 AM

I think that they're supposed to be stars. The flies should be buzzing around the heads of the British royalty.

RagnarV 05-03-2012 07:17 AM

The British royalty should have their heads chopped off.

An Abo walks into a bar wearing only one sandal. The barman says,
Hey Jackie, you've lost a shoe."
The Abo replies,
"Nah mate, I've just found one."

RagnarV 05-04-2012 08:26 AM

How many Abos does it take to catch a kangaroo?
Three - one to scrape it up and two to watch out for traffic.

A refuse truck pulls up outside a shack and the garbo calls out to an Abo sitting on the porch,
"Hey Jackie, where's your bin?"
"I's been in Queensland for the last two years."
"Nah mate, where's your wheelie bin?"
"OK, I's really been in the nick, but don't tell anyone."

RagnarV 05-04-2012 06:29 PM

Q - How do you knock out an Abo in one go?
A - Slam the lid of the toilet down on his head while he's having a drink.

A couple of Abos arrive at the pearly gates and St Peter thinks to himself,
"Oh shit, what am I going to do." He says,
"Wait here a minute, I'll go and see the boss." He explains the situation to God who says,
"Streuth, but I'm afraid if the've been good Christians, you've got to let them in. Go back and give them an examination, and don't make it easy."
St Peter goes off but immediately comes running back to God.
"They've gone."
"What, the Abos?"
"No, the pearly gates."

RagnarV 05-05-2012 09:18 AM

An Abo is walking down the road with six sheets of corrugated iron strapped to a wheelbarrow. A copper stops him and says,
"Have you stolen that?"
"Nah mate, just got a divorce. My wife got the kids and I got the house."

RagnarV 05-06-2012 09:38 AM

An Abo takes his six year old daughter to the doctor to get her fixed up with some contraceptives. The doctor is surprised and says,
"Is she sexually active?"
"Nah Doc, she just lays there like her mother."

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