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RagnarV 11-14-2012 04:08 PM

Her dick is bigger than his
1 Attachment(s)
Work this one out????

RagnarV 02-04-2013 01:38 PM

Here's a good one for those who have a memory and remember all the curious sex stories coming out of the Chilean mine disaster back in August 2010.

A Chilean miner is just going to spend the first night with his wife after being extracted from the mine.
"Darling, do you mind if we do it in the dark?"
- "No, of course not."
"Do you mind if we do it under the table?"
- "If you want."
"Can I turn the heating up a bit?"
- "Whatever you want."
"Is it OK if I spread some coaldust about on the floor?"
- "What the hell do you want next?"
"Do you mind wearing this strap-on and giving it to me from behind?"

RagnarV 02-04-2013 01:47 PM

Another one I made up before on similar lines was when Ingrid Bettancourt was liberated in Colombia back in 2008. She's just going to spend her first night with Dominique de Villepin (prime minister who used to fuk her).

"Darling, do you mind if we turn the heating up a bit?"
- "Alors, if you like."
"Do you mind if we have a few snakes under the bed?"
- "This is real perv stuff."
"Do you mind wearing this FARC uniform (Columbian rebels who kidnapped her)?
- "What the hell, but OK.
"In that case swallow these two packets of Viagara so you can do it 24 times without stopping."

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