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justcurious28 11-21-2012 04:14 PM

Bi/Gay Separate Forum
You have probably considered this but thought to suggest it as it seems like a few were asking if the forum was straight or gay.Thanks.

justcurious28 11-23-2012 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by small_dik (Post 28610)
As bi/gay man I am not interested in being segregated at the back of the bus. Equal rights for all. We can always have threads dedicated to it as long as the mods police it from trolling so people feel they can speak up without being called nasty things or getting into flame wars over the issues.

Didn't present it as a liability but an asset for those of the same persuasion to confer. Thought to talk to bi guys there. Noticed that there wasn't much interest on the regular forums. Besides you can go wherever you want on here. It's not segregation but rather aggregation of like minded folks.

justcurious28 11-23-2012 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by tinydickadmin (Post 28589)
The forum is for all.We don't discriminate.I can add it,but it feels like gay/bi people would be separated from the rest of the forum.Maybe I'm wrong.I don't want people to feel cast aside.I will run a poll for 30 days and go from there.How does that sound?

Thanks for your consideration but only one guy spoke up and he seems less than enthused about it so disregard. Thanks anyway for your willingness to consider it though.

SliderCoaster 11-24-2012 11:56 PM

The poll is heavily in favour of no separation, don't see it switching.

justcurious28 12-01-2012 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by SliderCoaster (Post 28680)
The poll is heavily in favour of no separation, don't see it switching.

I see that there seems to be more in favor of keeping it the way it is. I'm not even gay but thought to pose the question because I didn't think that a hetero has that much interest in gay speak and vice versa. It wasn't by any means an attempt to alienate anyone but simply to offer more choices which to me equals more freedom.

If you don't want to read a hetero or gay perspective on an issue, why should you have to wade through them? Just thought it would make it more user friendly to get comments from those like minded folks in one place. Since this forum seems to be largely hetero, it was proven to be a sensitive issue for others when there might be an advantage since they are not mutually exclusive. Anyone could post anywhere.

Suppose a female did have a tiny dick fetish but was straight, do you think she wants to read about gay men?? No offense but the concept probably disgusts her. Try it with your straight girlfriend and see. You all seem to wonder why females abandoned ship here so maybe you should factor that into the equation.

If you like porn then why are their separate gay sites/blogs/forums etc. along with straight sites all over? Same applies here. Sure there are "bi or bi-curious" types who like a mixture but most likely if you are in that category, you are probably not looking for pure straight content.

What does it hurt to have a separate category? Funny how "free thinker" type people who clamor for diversity and choice get offended when they get it. Huh? Just what are you afraid of? More alienation? Just by the numbers, gays are alienated many places already so I understand the sensitivity and perception of more of the same on here. It should be about liberation not alienation. So you try a separate forum for a month and there is a massive public outcry for it's repeal then get rid of it. Are you afraid it drives away the masses?

No offense but this forum seems a bit "stale" anyway. How many times you want to read about guys whining about a small dick when they can do nothing about it? Frankly, initially yes is okay as many are seeking some comfort but the persistent cry babies on here is enough to drive people away.

Then there is the anomaly where guys who profess no interest in other guys but want to stare at their dicks? Take that to your local shrink.

Maybe a tally needs to be made on gay-bi "friendly" comments on here against the percentage of those that profess either and put that ratio up for public scrutiny. I think it would be quite an eye opener.

I am not even gay but seem to be lobbying for them here just on the principle of "freedom of choice" which is fundamental.

Yes, Mr. Admin...with all due respect, IMHO...when somebody directly asks you to delete their account, it is not your job to assess their mental state by two sentences but to honor their request. Perhaps it would be even advantageous for the "greater good" of this forum to let those that state they want to go to just leave. They can simply make a new account if they decide to come back.

Peace and Thanks for the freedom of speech in our country and your time.

justcurious28 12-01-2012 07:10 AM

Personals Forum

Originally Posted by tinydickadmin (Post 28589)
The forum is for all.

I just took a brief look through your "Personals' forum on here and counted about 12 listings that mention a female or couple in the title out of 119 or 10%. I am not saying there aren't more but many I looked at were for gay or bi sex.

Don't you think it is quite odd that you have a forum on a site that is supposedly predominantly hetero that has a majority of non-hetero personals? This flies in the face of the vocal majority on here it seems.

What I extrapolate is that there is a "silent majority" of sorts on here who aren't participating in your poll or even willing to admit their non-hetero inclinations.

I would like to see an exhaustive analysis of those "personal" postings if you care to do one but I will go out on a limb and say that you may be shocked at your constituency on here. Goes back to the fact that most hetero guys are really not interested in staring at pics of guys dicks....I'm just saying... Thx.

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