Originally Posted by Road
And what's funny is most men will accept small boobs or ass(Iike them big lol) or maybe not a pretty face or whatnot more times then a women would accept a small size. Or not even size, maybe looks, I don't see any fat dudes with hot girls, some sometimes a fat chick with a boyfriend. I guess what I'm getting at is men to me are more acceptable than women...thoughts?
I comment on this to my fiance all the time, when I see various couple while we're out. I see hot guys all the time with more plain, or even ugly, women; but I see hot women with less attractive men far less often. Women in general are vain, and anyone who argues that is just in denial (there are always exceptions to the rule, though). It makes sense biologically, since men are programmed to want to sow their oats, while women are programmed to be picky about finding a suitable mate to have and raise children with (whether we actually want children or not

). So men are definitely more flexible with who they'll be with than women are.