Originally Posted by BindiCat
My fiance had a problem with cumming way too quick. Start-stop and other techniques like that didn't help us at all. But what does help are cock rings, and he also started taking a really low dose of Zoloft (an antidepressant) that he got a prescription for specifically to delay ejaculation. It's low enough that he doesn't feel any effects from it, but it's just enough that it makes him last twice as long, at the very least (without a cock ring). And with insurance, it's really cheap.
I have heard that anti depressants would lower your drive. I had never thought of or heard of a low dose helping with that. Thanks for replying, this is interesting. I thought is was just me and something that I would outgrow but it didnt seem to be getting any better. Now I just have to get the nerve to ask my dr. about it.