You would be correct, peanut.

If she's into it, keep doing what you're doing. If for some reason she's so rank that you just can't stand it, then slowly start exchanging the tongue for your fingers and start messing with her g spot.
But freshness shouldn't be a problem. If a chick is going out on a date, she primps, so it wouldn't be a problem anyway. But if a chick is going out on a date that she thinks could possibly end in sex, she's going to do extra primping and make sure she's as fresh and groomed as possible. Especially if it's with a guy she's never had sex with before.
As far as technique goes, the most important thing you need to know, if you learn nothing else, and I cannot stress this enough: You need to know exactly, without a doubt, where her clitoris is. You'd think (or I would, atleast) that it should be fairly obvious where it is, especially if you've been looking at pictures or whatever. But apparently it's not. And I can't even describe how frustrating it is when you're being eaten out by a guy who has no clue where the thing is. Us women just get really frustrated really fast, and all we can think is "wow, this guy has no idea what he's doing". You won't get her off, it puts her in a bad mood, and it pretty much ruins the whole experience.
Other than that, don't be really rough with your tongue and lash at her clit like you see in porn. Doing that for a moment to mix things up is fine, and can be really good if done properly, but don't do it the whole time. It's another one of those "wow, this guy has no idea what he's doing" situations. Use a gentle tongue. Think of it sort of like this: you want to coax her clitoris out of hiding and make it seek out your tongue, not the other way around. By doing that, you're giving her clit a chance to stop and think, "Hey, this is pretty nice", and seek you out for more, which means she's going to enjoy it more. If you have to search her out and immediately start bombarding her, that's going to make her clitoris retreat to safety, and she's not going to enjoy herself nearly as much.