Originally Posted by crazy8
But a small penis is probably the most sensitive subject you can poke fun at.
Do you think that being made fun of because of your funny last name, or color of your hair is the same as being made fun of because you are small?
Ask guys on this site who have been bullied, im sure that they will tell you that they would rather be made fun of for anything else, except for being small.
No, I wouldn't compare those things. If your hair is the problem, you can go dye it. Or you can go through the hassle of changing your last name. You can't really do anything about penis size.
However, when you grow up (and on into adulthood, which makes it that much worse) being hypersensitive to everything (such as, crying if someone so much as looks at you wrong, I can't eat most things or wear many fabrics because I'm too sensitive to textures, I have trouble being in bright light, if someone starts raising their voice it's painfully loud to me, and a million other things that would take too long to get into), that's something that can't be changed. That's something different in my brain; I can't choose whether it affects my life. It does whether I want it to or not. So to always be made fun of for that (which only makes the problem worse), I think is comparable to being made fun of for a penis that you can't change. But atleast you can hide your penis and no one has to know, and even if someone does make fun of it, atleast that won't cause it to get any smaller.
Originally Posted by bmet
Bandi, I do appreciate your comments from a women's point of view. You rock gal! I hope your personal life is better and finances are under control. Having two sisters, three daughters, one wife and even a female dog, my life is surrounded by women! That's all, I gave you my story. Oh yes, If I sit down to pee, I will find that I am hitting the area between the seat and porcelain. Therefore, I try to stand, leaning toward the wall to be safe. Bye!

As of right now, finances still suck, but I should be (hopefully) starting a new job next week that will pretty much fix everything.
And that's way too many women. I'd go nuts. Women are crazy.