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Old 07-19-2011, 04:16 AM   #9
Tiny Dick Extraordinaire
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 671

Originally Posted by crazy8 View Post
Yeah but in mid 20's and really really horny. Every girl i see on the street i want to fuck.
Not even only hot ones, i mean average looking ones too.
I would never cheat on my girl, but i know that there will be a point in my life where i will make up for all the sex i missed out on duiring highschoool etc...
So yea, at some point in my life i am going to take a year off from most other things and just focus on getting laid. Doesenet even matter if its with escorts, regualar one night stands, really not important. I just want to go through a lot of girls, hopefully all different nationalities too.

Isn't that the mindset of 85% of men? To get laid everyday? If you ever break up with your GF and don't get the "I want her back" feeling I suggest studying up on picking woman technique. I forgot what those men are called, they have a speical name. Because if you have her heart, your size won't matter.
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