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Old 08-01-2011, 02:48 AM   #3
Tiny Dick Advanced
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Originally Posted by tinydick4u View Post
I'm into it,but not with every girl I meet.I don't date or stay with women that don't take care of their hygiene.With that being said.I'll do it for hours if she's fresh from the shower and really enjoys it.I don't like it being done to me.It just tickles.I'd rather eat her wet tasty pussy,but I have no problems straying for a few minutes.
This reminded me that I was going to point something out to all the men folk.

It might be obvious, I don't know (it's obvious to me, but it's my body), but don't do any back and forth from the pussy to the ass and back. I don't care if it's with a dildo, or a dick, or fingers, or a mouth, or whatever. Unless you've thoroughly cleaned up in between messing with each spot, that's just asking for an infection, especially if the chick is like me and gets UTI's super easily.
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