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Old 09-10-2011, 12:25 PM   #7
Tiny Dick Ultimate User
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Location: Near Montreal, QC
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Originally Posted by arogzi View Post
could u share what it is like there, i have never been to one.
Well, not much to be said, really. You just need to locate one, get there, shed your clothes and start enjoying yourself. Nudists don't really care about each others body. But they do look over people around them. So if you go, you'll see and be seen. Just look though, don't stare at people. They won't like that.

In all the years I've been doing this, only a few time did I get a smile when someone realized how small I was down there. Also I can confirm that most, if not all, men, even those with a small one, have a bigger one than mine soft. In fact, many younger boys are too. The youngest I have seen bigger than me was probably 6 or 7 years old and pretty much all boys over 10 are too.

In any case, being nude outdoor is great. Feeling the sun and wind all over your body is a hard to match sensation. Nude on a beach surrounded by other nude people is even better. And if you are an exhibitionist like me, then it's getting close to paradise. I simply love to proudly show my smooth baby dick to anyone.

Unless you go to a gay beach though, be careful not to get an erection. And if you do, hide it with a towel or something until it goes away. This is highly frowned upon by nudists. Personally, I prefer the family type beach to the gay ones as you can see women and children as well. Yet, the majority of people are men and most are not that young.
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