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Old 11-04-2009, 08:16 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by tanuki View Post
I wonder if the 5.7 inches even reflect the size distribution in the male population. It could be that the 12 inchers are really circus freaks and that the majority are below 5.7 inches.

Maybe that would account for the obsession for size.
Lots of women know what the national average is. It's in cosmo and the like all the time. 5.7 is a little high (bigger guys are more willing to be measured), I've seen it commonly around 5.5.

The problem is women can't judge measurements for shit. Trust me, every 10 incher they think they've been with is a 7.5er. Every 12 incher is an 8.

Nobody is 12 inches. Not even porn stars.

And truthfully, no woman who matters cares. We guys, we get all hung up on big or not and base waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much of our self-esteem on it.
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