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Old 10-04-2011, 08:26 PM   #8
Tiny Dick Intermediate
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Join Date: Jul 2011
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Posts: 76

I have had a variety of responses when a girl found out how small i am but none have ever expressed anger. Disappointment, surprise, shock, amusement, mockery, apathy, disatisfaction, diminished attraction, ambivalence, have all been a reaction at one time or another but as yet not anger. I advise that before you get a girl into bed or have been in a relationship long enough that there are other bonds beyond lust you avoid her knowing how small you are - I have been rejected or never even considered for sex if a girl I am interested in knew in advance that i have a small cock. Not so important if you have established a good non-sexual relationship however.
Basically Hetero but indulge my SPH fetish
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