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Old 10-10-2011, 09:50 AM   #10
Tiny Dick Extraordinaire
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Originally Posted by boyishman2 View Post
I can muster only 4" erect but I have had a long , prolific and generally very satisfying sex life - a larger cock size can definitely be a bonus for a number of reasons but more important is your sexual skills - good foreplay, technique, longevity, quick recovery time and paying attention to what your partner likes (or dislikes) - a small cock perhaps has to try a bit harder to please but it is definitely do-able
Precisely, just what I and some others have been saying all along.

A guy with a large penis, especially with extra girth, does have the advantage of being able to produce more pressure inside her vagina by default. That being said, being smaller, you need to then find ways to basically mimic that girth by different penetration angles, etc. but THAT can also be what makes sex with a small guy interesting for a woman. It can and very often will be far more varied then just the straight forward thrusting that some do. It's all about coital alignment at the end of the day.

One drunk New Years eve at a couple of friends place my wife to her that I was the best lover she ever had. I felt quite honoured by that, so did all of my 4.5". LOL

And when it comes to handjobs or blowjobs a small penis I find is a great advantage. She can fondle my testicles with one hand, while having the whole shaft in the palm of her hand, right down to the base. Magical feeling, especially around the base she can massage the Cowpers glands, making my produce literally gallons of precum.

When she gives me a blowjob, her mouth won't hurt because of it being too big either and taking it in real deep is yet another bonus for my boner.

I don't thing I would exchange mine for a bigger one.
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