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Old 10-12-2011, 02:55 AM   #4
Tiny Dick Intermediate
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Originally Posted by BindiCat View Post
?....I have one to add to the list: She Comes First - Ian Kerner, Ph.D.

If a book is geared towards pleasuring women, I always check it out first before my fiance reads it to see if it's actually worth anything. Sometimes you get men (and even women) writing books about how to satisfy women, and they've got it all wrong, which is why I look through it first. There's no point in having a guy read it if it's all just a bunch of crap.

This one, though, is quite good. Definitely one of the better ones I've read on the subject. If you're wanting to learn how to give oral sex, this book is well worth your time.
BindiCat, how true you are! I added this book to my digital library and have been reading it. Boy, have I missed out on a lot of fun and pleasuring my wife.

I wonder how you can teach your off spring without being labeled a ....? This should be mandatory reading for the "young and restless". Hummmm 
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