Thread: Other guys
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Old 11-21-2011, 03:02 AM   #6
Tiny Dick Intermediate
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Originally Posted by hoverfly View Post
Well, not sure I get this. How can you meet a woman if you aren't even prepared to talk to one. Surely, a conversation is the first step to starting a relationship. After all, you said you are married, allthough I obviously can't be sure about this but I would presume you didn't go down on her before you at least introduced yourself.

I am seriously confused.
I was 16 when we started dating at that time I was oblivious to the fact that mine was smaller than most men, plus it was a little bigger back then so I had no reason to lack confidence to talk to women and date.

But now it has gotten smaller and I realize now how much smaller I am than the average guy that being the reason that if I were single now I wouldn't bother trying to date a woman.

I hope that explains it better.
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