Thread: Other guys
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Old 11-21-2011, 09:37 AM   #7
Tiny Dick Extraordinaire
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Originally Posted by joey View Post
I was 16 when we started dating at that time I was oblivious to the fact that mine was smaller than most men, plus it was a little bigger back then so I had no reason to lack confidence to talk to women and date.

But now it has gotten smaller and I realize now how much smaller I am than the average guy that being the reason that if I were single now I wouldn't bother trying to date a woman.

I hope that explains it better.
It is clearer, yes, but I don't think it is much of a reason to not approach women anymore, well, apart from the fact that you are married.

You are married, happily I hope, do you think or know that your wife is unhappy about your sex life? If not, nothing to worry about, I'd say.

About the getting smaller the older you get, well, that's mostly down to the muscle responsible for holding back the blood in your erect penis getting slack. That doesn't have to be. As there are exercises for woman to tone their PC muscle, so are there exercises to strengthen the male PC muscle group, which not only leads to improved erections but is also able to greatly enhance your enjoyment of sex. You might want to look into this sometime.

One thing, is that you in the avatar? If so, looks like yours has a lot more girth then mine and that is half the battle over. LOL.

My wife never much cared for a long penis, in fact my 4.5" were quite sufficient to give her some discomfort in certain positions since it would occassionally hit the entrance to her womb, something she never enjoyed.
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