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Old 11-25-2011, 07:06 PM   #3
Tiny Dick Intermediate
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Baltimore, MD
Posts: 93

Don't forget that, before the era of internet porn - and even before the era of porn videos - magazines were the source of porn, not quite as readily available as internet porn but not too difficult to acquire. And since the focus was pictures, not action, the emphasis was on the total package - not just the penis. The guys may or may not have had a big dick, but rest assured they were good-looking and well-built. So any envy you may have felt would have been more "I wish I looked like that" than "I wish I had a dick like that."

As far as girls being aware of various penis sizes, I suspect it's the same today as it always was: it's what they hear from other girls far more than what they see in porn. And, if so, then the ultra-macho verbiage boys might pick up watching porn would be that much more shocking to them.
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