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Old 01-18-2012, 09:37 AM   #10
Tiny Dick Expert
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Originally Posted by hoverfly View Post
Samuel l. Newhouse Jr. is the CEO of Advance Publications, Inc.
Privately owned by Samuel "Si" Newhouse Jr. and his brother, Donald.
Charles H. Townsend is the CEO of Conde Nast Publications.

Agreed, there may possibly a woman at the helm of Vogue but I do not believe that policy descissions are made at the actual magazine itself. There is such undoubtedly such a thing as large scale top down influence on policy making and the recent phone hacking scandal in the UK I believe has given adequat proof of that (ie. Murdoch and his cronies).
In the French mag "Marie Claire" which comes out every month there's always a very detailed rape in the true story section. A guy I know in the police told me once, whenever there's a rape trial, the public gallery is always packed with women who get a kick out of looking at the rapist.
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