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Old 01-19-2012, 12:40 AM   #5
Tiny Dick Wanna Be
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Posts: 8

Actually you are quite correct.

The "average" (more correctly the "mean") of a set of numbers is a single number, NOT a range of numbers: the mean is equal to the sum of all the values in the data set divided by the number of values in the data set. Calculating an average will result in a single value. However (and probably to give some comfort to a wider range of not-so-well-endowed men who are under but "close" to measuring up to average size) the "average" penis size is usually given as a range, which is not an "average" at all but a distribution which should have specified parameters to be meaningful.

Additionally, and again in my opinion to give some small dick guys comfort, the distribution of the range is often skewed toward the lower end of the range. So, for example if the actual average is, say, 6" some will state something like "the average size erect penis is between 5" and 6" in length". This is simply WRONG mathematically and wrong in fact.
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