Ehhh, truth be told, most likely your heart was racing for no reason as most of the postings are fake. Man i had to switch my email accounts many times because of all the spam i was getting.
Some of them are clever too, you cant even tell its a spambot from the first email that you see from them. Only in the second of thrid do they send the link to their webiste.
One more thing i would like to add, i would not sggest responding to posts you see on cl. Granted that even if they are real, still it takes a certain person to be posting on cl, there is a reason for everything. You post because you are small, but what would drive a woman to post?
I would recommend making your own posting and see where that goes. Chances are nothing will happen. But if you keep trying eventually you will find a real person.
I also suggest being upfront and honest. Describe your situation, maybe someone will have an interest.