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Old 04-17-2012, 08:54 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by drake7k View Post
Lets see here. I love Doctor Who, True Blood, RuPaul's Drag Race (Which I'm watching while typing this), Eureka, Torchwood, Merlin, Being Human (BBC America version, syfy version sucks ass), Avengers Mightiest, Young Justice, Ultimate Spider-man, Ben 10 (all of them), the new Thunder Cats, Bones, Big Bang Theory, Celebrity Apprentice, all of the DIY Crasher shows and Holmes on Homes, Chuck (though it has ended), Sanctuary, all of the Stargate's, Warehouse 13, Supernatural, Alphas, anything with Gordon Ramsey's, and The Fades. So you can see a trend, I also like Absolutely Fabulous, I love BBC science fiction and fantasy, and a lot of shows of that nature.
Blimey, that must be the short story version of my novel post. LOL

Most of those shows I must admit I've never even heard off but as I said, it is primarily docs for me anyway, with said exeption.

Oh dear, Gordon Ramsey... Sorry to say, that guy just gives me the creeping horrors. He is a shite cook and about as foul-mouthed as any pleb I've ever heard.

I may have missed this and there is no mention in your profile but where do you hail from? USA maybe? I understand that Americans find it easier to laugh at stuff like that. Only hearsay.

Most series' I would enjoy much more, if they didn't drift into a pattern latest by episode 3. My wife loves CSI (yuk) and I am often forced to sit through it while we are having dinner (another yuk, bit of a lesson in 'How to ruin a perfectly good meal' LOL) and if they tell me one more time what Luminol is used for I'd swear blind, I'm going to throw the bloody thing out the window.

Now, Absolutely Fabulous, I've seen a couple of those and I thought it was quite funny but I never followed it.

What you might like though is Black Books with Bill Bailey and Dylan Moran. Check it out on IMDB. Bill Bailey is a hugely talented comedian, a good musician and generally a good laugh. Dylan Moran on the other hand is a much darker character, especially in a really weird movie he starred in called 'A Film with me in it'.

If you like dark Brit humour, that one might really be right up your street.
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