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Old 04-17-2012, 09:58 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by MarkBld View Post
You mentioned Johnny Vegas in your original post. Is he someone well known in Britain right now? I've never heard of him. Currently, the only British shows I get any exposure to are the ones advertised as trailers/previews at the beginning of the Dr Who/Sarah Jane DVDs. "Sherlock" looks interesting. A couple years back they were promoting "Robin Hood," which also looked interesting.

I have to confess, after self-promoting myself as something of a lover of fine art (which I am), that my real passion is Zombie Movies. As in other genres, British zombies rule!
He is indeed and has been for years now. He is good at times and when he is, he is very good but he also entertains people in the holiday resorts on the Spanish Balearic Islands and that I always disliked very much. It is basically catering to the needs of pissed Britons on holiday. Most of his jokes are about sex and getting tanked-up but hey, that's what they go there for.

He's done some quite brilliant stuff in his time. Check out his profile on IMDB (Johnny Vegas), that'll give you a good overview.

My all time favourites must be 'Sex Lives of the Potato Men'. He plays this Brummie (someone from Birmingham) thickhead workind at a potato delivery company.

I hope this search link works but check out some of the clips on youtube, there is quite a collection there. No idea why people voted it down so much on IMDB. I found the characters incredibly well portayed and the reminded me so much of people I used to work with back in the early 80s here in the East of England.

Sex Lives of the Potato Men on YouTube.

If the link does not bring up the desired results, there may be session information in it, just search for the title there.

Sherlock, now which one might that be referring to? The BBC series' 'Sherlock' with Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman or the ITV series' 'Sherlock Holmes' of movies with with Jeremy Brett?

If you were referring to the BBC Sherlock, I can provide you with Rapidshare links for the first seaon. All HDTV rips as Matroska files but beware, unless you have a premium acct. with them, the size of the download will require almost forever and a day to grab them (each episode 2.2 GB in size). Just let me know and I can pm you the links.

Zombie movies, well, are you aware of a forum called surrealmoviez by any chance? The forum was founded in 2007 by a Polish friend of mine at Warsaw University. The original idea was to provide a platform for sharing movies that hardly got any kind of exposure ever. By mid 2008 it had become THE site for students in the arts section, especially those specialising in anything film related. It is a fantastic site, though due to the lack of truly suffcient 'surreal' material it has become a bit of a dumping ground for other stuff as well these days but it is still full of thousands of truly surreal material, amongst that a huge host of Brit. zombie stuff. Just checked, there are 342 movies that respond to the search for 'Zombie', that should keep you busy for a while.

Surrealmoviez can't be accessed unless you are a member and membership is by invitation only but I have enough credit there to provide you with an invitation.
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