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Old 04-17-2012, 07:47 PM   #6
Tiny Dick Intermediate
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Baltimore, MD
Posts: 93

Hoverfly, thank you for your response. I don't know which "Sherlock" it is because BBC trailers never tell you who the stars are. Your notes on surrealmoviez (I don't know if I spelled it as you did: I hate the way you can't see what you're replying to here so as to edit as you go). I do love anything surreal - especially where it clearly doesn't belong. I've seen a couple zombie movies that had what I would consider surreal aspects to them.

Also I love anything dark, brooding and foreboding. I consider "Torchwood" to be one of the premier shows in that vein, as well as another sci-fi called "Starhunter." I agree with your assessment that Christopher Eccleston from "Series One" of Dr Who was better than David Tennant. I like both - and absolutely adore Matt Smith; but of the three I think Eccleston is best as Dr Who.

And, of course, this being 2012, I'm always on the lookout for material related to the whole Nostradamus/Mayan Prophecy/End of World syndrome. I'm not a doomsayer; but neither do I watch these oddball things merely to scoff at them. I find them intriguing - but their debunkers almost too condescending to bear. Are these types of things at all popular in the UK? Or are they pretty much American grown?
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