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Old 04-18-2012, 07:32 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by MarkBld View Post
Hoverfly, thank you for your response. I don't know which "Sherlock" it is because BBC trailers never tell you who the stars are. Your notes on surrealmoviez (I don't know if I spelled it as you did: I hate the way you can't see what you're replying to here so as to edit as you go). I do love anything surreal - especially where it clearly doesn't belong. I've seen a couple zombie movies that had what I would consider surreal aspects to them.
OK, since you are referring to a BBC trailer, you are obviously talking about the Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman series. Currently, there are 6 episodes available, three from each season.

Have a look here, the link will (hopefully) take you to the BBC Sherlock site. Just note, that unless you have a UK IP address, it is unlikely that any of the videos will actually work. The BBC operates a quite elaborate IP filtering system to protect its content. Shame really but it can't be helped (even using a UK based proxy will not help much unfortunately). But again, should you need some download links... just ask and I'll PM you.

Not sure if I get what you mean by saying '...I hate the way you can't see what you're replying to here so as to edit as you go'. Please explain.

If you promiss to behave yourself, LOL, let me know if you would like an invitation code. I'd could send it by PM.

Also I love anything dark, brooding and foreboding. I consider "Torchwood" to be one of the premier shows in that vein, as well as another sci-fi called "Starhunter." I agree with your assessment that Christopher Eccleston from "Series One" of Dr Who was better than David Tennant. I like both - and absolutely adore Matt Smith; but of the three I think Eccleston is best as Dr Who.
As I said, I never got into Torchwood much but hey, live and let live. Starhunter, never heard of it, I'll have a look on IMDB and see if it might appeal to me. Thanks for pointing this one out.

Yes, it was a shame the Chris Ecclestone decided to move on after his first and only season. Apparently, he didn't want to become too associated with the role, which can happen over time, just think of Tom Baker, for the all time quintessential Doctor Who.

And, of course, this being 2012, I'm always on the lookout for material related to the whole Nostradamus/Mayan Prophecy/End of World syndrome. I'm not a doomsayer; but neither do I watch these oddball things merely to scoff at them. I find them intriguing - but their debunkers almost too condescending to bear. Are these types of things at all popular in the UK? Or are they pretty much American grown?
Not really my world to be honest with you. When the whole Maya thing went balistic on the web and in books I did look into the science behind it and usually found it somewhat flawed. Especially, the Mayan Calendar, which doesn't actually prophesy the end of the world but rather the end of a calendar cycle but you can't make money from that, can you. If you want your book to sell, you better come up with something more 'dark and sinister' (with maybe a handful of zombies thrown in for good meassure). LOL

Again, if you are interested, in my forum, you'll find the URL in my profile or under the things to do when you click on my username, you will find plenty of posts relating to these issues.

As far as scoffing at things immediately is concerned, neither do I right from the start, though I am always 'a bit wary'.

As for their popularity, no I don't think this is a US homegrown issue, apart from that oddball church that last year proclaimed the end of the World, leading to people giving away their stuff and regetting it the day after. Personally, that one had me in stitches I am sorry to say. Apparently, a miscalculation of the date but lucky for us, the guys next doomsday bypassed us without a hitch too.

I am not much of a believer in anything, apart from that you should treat everybody with due respect, at least try and be friendly, though that can be a bit of a challenge in this day and age (especially when it comes to call centers in India or Pakistan trying to flog you double glazing again and again and again) and that I have no business in determining what sexual orientation is right or wrong, basically, live and let live, so long as things are done by mutual consent and it doesn't involve minors but that's about it really.

Had Buddhism not been so commercialised and turned from Gautama's own learnings into teachings that you must obey, now that could possibly have become something that I could live with but as with everything else used to stop people from having independent thoughts... Well, let's not go down that road or you might find yourself in for yet another novel. LOL
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