I just had my first peek at the site and it may have been just an unfortunate accident stumbling upon serious discussions such as: I Support Spaying and Neutering People
208 Members Say This
Read true personal stories, chat & get advice, support and help from a group of 208 people who all say I Support Spaying and Neutering People
What then followed in the acutal discussions simply made me cringe. I wonder if anybody of those posters remembers the Nazis and their take on eugenics. Good grief, some of those comments would land you in court in the UK and rightly so.
Someone was seriously suggesting and getting support for his opinion that 'stupid and ugly people' should be neutered.
Holy Moly, that's hardcore. Especially, when the posters themselves are so obivously incapable of even writing their native language correctly.
I appreciate, this most likely being a somewhat unfortunate accident but it didn't shed the best of light on the community.
I might go back though at some point in the future, possibly.