Road, allthough I do mostly with TD, I don't think there is the single failsafe technique that works for everybody. Personally, I find that long foreplay involving both partners, with extended stimulation periods for my pleasure tend to numb the sensation so effectively that I can last, not as long as I like but a fair amount of time.
Furthermore, all women are timed differently, as are men. There are women that will take forever and a day to climax and there are those that will orgasm all over you within 30 seconds, plus everything in between. I must have struck gold when meeting my wife, she can climax the first time within less then a minute, so for me it was always more of an issue of giving her the pleasure of multiple orgasms but I freely admit, she is an exeptional woman in more then just the sexual aspect.
If you feel you might reach your climax too early, try masturbating prior to intercourse, that should slow you down for the second round but will inevitably lead you experiencing a less pronounced orgasm. I wouldn't recommend using any sprays, I tried that once and thought, what's the point if you can't feel anything. I will, once again, give a brief mention of the use of cannabis. It stops your synapses firing at will and thereby slow you down too but we've had this discussion before and I didn't earn any applause for it but it does work.
Some men find that they have a very short or even no refraction period in their early life, maybe you are one of them, in which case, ejaculate and keep going. These days I can still manage up to three times but when I was young... blimey, four, five, sometimes six ejaculations in a row without stopping, was no problem.
I don't know if you can't just 'learn' to do that, you could always give that a try. I did, because I was ever so envious of my wife and thought, I want some of that as well.
Worth a try if you asked me.