Thread: Hands Free Cum
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Old 05-11-2012, 06:17 AM   #4
Tiny Dick Extraordinaire
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Originally Posted by deedee View Post
I find this subject very interesting. Can anybody here do it? To see a dick suddenly squirt without any or very little stimulation is really raunchy but is it related to premature ejaculation?


I wouldn't have thought so. From what I can gather it is both a mental as well as a physical exercise.

You conjur up all the right images, get really and I mean really worked up, so your brain is telling your body to get ready to ejaculate, at which point you require exeptionally good PC muscle control to actually force the ejaculate and prostatic fluid out of the bulbo cavernosus

You can read more about it here:

Allthough premature ejaculation is often associated with mental 'over-stimulation', it is then said muscle control that is used to delay the ejaculation.

It (hands-free) must very similar to some very old tantric techniques that you could read up on in one of Mantak Chia's books. You might like to check them out at your local bookshop.

Not a lot of people that I have seen or heard off being able to do it. It must take considerable work to get there. Now that you mention it, it makes me wonder if I could do it. Never tried, I do like my wife's stimulation too much to go the distance on my own but I can get to the pre-ejaculatory stage relatively easily by only mental stimulous but as I said, I never pursued that avenue any further.

Not sure if it helps, but maybe check out the books.
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Last edited by hoverfly; 05-11-2012 at 06:35 AM. Reason: Wiki info page added.
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