Arogzi, you've spoken from the bottom of my heart. Just what I've been saying all along.
We've been happily married since 1985, happily married in EVERY aspect and I mean that. The size non-issue was only ever once raised and that was by stupid me and that was about girth, not length. Most women that I feel are worth persuing a relationship with are little bothered whether or not they might encounter a firehose down there. Women simply do not have vaginas the length of the Eurotunnel but they do enjoy the girth. And even that any woman can overcome with some simple pelvic exercises, women can grasp anything with their vaginal muscles, just try you index finger and you'll see.
But quite apart from the sex, women are looking for a provider, a man that gives them a sense of security and a home. No matter how humongous your penis might be, if you are a wasted scoundrel, you'll lose her. Period.
But I feel the two of us are kind of barking up the wrong tree with a few members. I don't blame them, never would, I can only presume that it must be truly frightening to be stuck in this rut. Worrying, then shutting yourself off from the real world, so what do you do, watch porn and we all know that you are somewhat unlikely to encounter small or even average guys in those clips. This will surely drag you down even further, so you withdraw a little more and round and round it goes until one day you discover you've wasted your life and any opportunities that may have come your way.
For those, for the hundredth time, get off those porn sites, throw away your tape measure and be good at being yourself. If you find it too difficult, seek professional help, that's what these people are trained to do and they know what they are doing.
Living proof that people having a small penis can have a happy and satisfying relationship and/or marriage are some of the members here.
Never give up.
Alas, I've said it so many times, I should have put this in my signature, would have saved me writing it over and over again.
Once again, Arogzi, great post, finally someone who noticed that porn is not good for everybody (quite apart from it getting boring after a while).