Originally Posted by hoverfly
Pleased to hear it. Can you get what in the UK is called Extra Thick Double Cream? I know that JoBleau was having bigtime difficulties and he's from Canada too. If in doubt, maybe check this Wikipedia link:
Types of cream in the UK
Even better if yo could find Clotted Cream, now that is the beez neez you might say or some call in solidified heart attack. Here is the Wiki link: Clotted Cream
This is the single most amazing stuff ever. We usually get Devonshire Clotted Cream from our local shop with a fat content of 68%, so high in fact, it does come with a golden layer of pure butter on top of it. Not for the faint hearted or those scared of suffering a heart attack but most certainly qualifying for the accolade of 'Food Porn'.
I never found anything even close.

The richest commercially available here is 35%. I came across some home made cream a couple of times. They were probably around 40 to 45%. But it's not easy to get unless your best friend is a milk producer.