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Old 11-06-2012, 08:07 PM   #7
Tiny Dick Intermediate
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Phils....
Posts: 82

me.. i really wont tell coz its not a problem.. if she freaks out then right there is a sign that your relationship isnt really good... i suggest wait.. your relationship is still to young.. and your still in the phase of getting to know each others attitude.. take it slow and one step at a time.. and when a month or two or three passes then thing will heat up a little bit and by that i mean physicaly.. women who want a long relationship tend to do that.. and when that time comes i think thats the best time to tell her

P.s. like how many times ive said this on this site. girls who think a large penis matters are girls who are not good for you... there are a lot of other ways to pleasure a girl.... and sex for a girl who wants a serious relationship it isnt just physical its something more.. when the time comes.. please do more than just the missionary.. have fun and explore her..
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