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Old 11-10-2012, 01:43 AM   #3
Tiny Dick Wanna Be
Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 16

If you ask me if i rather have a boat or a hot woman, i would answer that i rather have both. I know fishing and sailing is fun, but i simply would not have use for a boat if i didint have girls to take on it. I can give another example. I always wanted to travel the world. But i would never do it if i never had sex with any of the girls from different countries, or at least didint have one with me. Sex and interaction with girls in general is a big part of our lives. It makes us fit in if nothing else.
Exactly. I have nobody to share life with. I'm very tired of being alone, lonely, and sad. I'm just plain sick and tired, of being sick and tired. I want to have a relationship before it's too late. I want to experience love, and sex as well. I want to feel cared about, and to care about someone. I want to have a reason to get up, go to work, and come home. I don't really enjoy life, and seldom ever have. A good day is when most things go right, there's not much pain, heartache, or sorrow. A bad day? Well, let's not go there...been there enough.

I'm not sure it's not already too late. I'm quite old to do any of this for the first time, and I really don't even know what exactly to do. I don't think I have much chance anyway. I'm old, worn our, fat, and ugly. I don't have any money, intelligence, education, talent, or personality. Who would want me anyway? Sometimes, many times, I wish I'd never been born.
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