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Old 07-02-2013, 03:28 PM   #2
Tiny Dick Extraordinaire
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LOL. No, not really, shadow but I have a long history of math and physics being a huge hobby, so knowing Erwin Schrödinger and his work I guess is a bit of a must. Apart from that, there are so many good books designed for laymen, plenty to choose from.

Pauli, Feynman, Gross, Penzias and hundreds more, oh, mustn't forget Mr E=MC, though contrary to popular belief, his Nobel Prize was NOT for his theory of general relativity but rather his discovery of nucleus motion (ie. plant pollen being jostled by atoms when suspended in water).

No, a former translator and interpretor here, I have done work for scientists, though sadly mostly boring legal documents, intl. corporate taxation (and how to avoid it legally) and other legal texts and documents.
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