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Old 10-09-2017, 07:01 AM   #4
Tiny Dick Extraordinaire
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 671

I just started watching porn videos that’s pretty famous on the indie scene, she is known as Dagny. I’m shocked at how much cum this guy has every video where he jerks off onto his wife and her friends. I love the series because he is a small/regular size guy, that’s what women want. If you learn to accept that and learn how to pleasure a women (hint: eat her pussy;work the clit) you should do fine.
"If you let it get to you, you will be opening a door of self loathing, despair, and hatred. Look beyond and accept. It will do more to develop your self-acceptance than nearly anything else. We all must learn the lesson of accepting ourselves. If we don't accept ourselves, for what we are, then how can we expect anyone else to accept us?"
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