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Old 08-21-2019, 03:17 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Koreanchasity View Post
Tamoxifen is nolvadex. Arimidex is anastrozol. Arimidex is an AI (aromatise inhibitor), Nolvadex is a SERM (Selective estrogen receptor modulator). Basically an AI stops your body from converting testosterone into estrogen. SERMs basically stop the estrogen from binding. Letrozole is significantly stronger than arimidex. I can tell you that from experience, it does get rid of gyno. The problem is it suppressed you estrogen so low, that it isn’t uncommon for an estrogen rebound to happen after coming off of it causing your estrogen to Sky rocket. After coming off letrozole it is recommended to use nopvadex for a month and tapper it down so that your hormones level off. I have used it and guarante it works. This however might depend on how serious your gyno is, and possibly how long you’ve had it for. Do a search on letrozole on bodybuilding forums and I won’t be the only one to tell you these same things.
I consulted a doctor, rather than a bodybuilding forum .

In the UK, the prescribed treatment for gyno is tamoxifen, which is (apparently) effective if used in time. What with one thing and another, I missed the treatment window...

Thanks for the advice though - I'll look into letrozole further.
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