Somewhere in your introduction you said your penis was 4.7 inches. What's wrong with that? Maybe lose some of the gut, that'll make it look bigger and maybe bring you over the 5 inch mark.
Originally Posted by Road
From what I see in the board a lot of people have accepted their size and are happy with it. I on the other hand hate my size, I mean when I'm going to jerk it, I can't stop thinking of how small it is. I feel I'm going to remain a virgin for the rest of my life and don't even want to experience sex. Because of my size I have no confidence to even talk to girls that I like. I get depressed alot thinking on my size, and well I'm overweight, so when(if) I can ever get in shape and I'm not happy abou my size I will look into everything I can do to extend to atleast 6 inches. I just feel no matter what girls say, size matters.