Furthermore to tinydick4u's info, you might want to read this. This acutally comes from the Tom Hubbard site. Also, once again, it does NOT work.
Thunders Place:General disclaimer
From Thunders Place
Thunder's Place is not responsible for the validity of information presented here or for the the results of application of the information presented here. Anyone reading information or applying techniques presented on this site, does so at their own risk.
Any information you find here has the potential to cause permanent damage. When evaluating whether a particular path should be followed it is necessary to engage your brain and actually read local warnings and take them in.
When starting out in PE there is a tendency to exceed sensible limits and cause injury. The first step in sensible penis enlargement is to allow yourself enough time to evaluate the risk:reward ratio for a particular technique and make every effort to ease into any program.
It is essential to be aware of your penis's temperature and color during all PE exercises. Cutting off blood flow to the penis can result in permanent loss of feeling.
Originally Posted by tinydick4u