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Old 12-29-2010, 12:45 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by smalldicklover View Post
I would show it to my extremely tall South African sister in law. Ever since i've been a kid she's made comments about my penis size(even though shes never seen it). She cuckolds my brother, hes smaller than me though, about 5.5 erect. When I was younger my brothers phone rang while he was out of the room, it was her, her photo pops up on the screen as she calls, only to my surprise she has a huge black cock in her mouth, around 9-11 inches. I checked my brothers photos and there was loads like that. Yeah, i'd wave it about in her face. I'd also stand around in the showers at the gym showing it off a bit.
Omg how I wish I was in a situation like your brother's! I simply love tall women not only because I myself am quite short but also because they usually have long fingers and they usually compare their pinky finger with my hard cock and mostly their pinky is larger. tall women can dish me humiliation on all fronts.
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