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Old 01-16-2011, 12:24 AM   #3
Tiny Dick Extraordinaire
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@smallbutcute: I would have tried to help you until I performed a search on google that provided me with a total of 54 hits relating to your email address. What on Gods green Earth were you thinking giving away your email address like it was hotcakes? Sorry, mate, that sure was one hell of a stupid thing to do. Guess you need a new email.

One thing for on the road and this goes for any of you on here.

NEVER, NEVER, NEVER EVER use your REGULAR email address to sign up ANYWHERE.

I have used up a fair number on email addresses on various freemail sites just for registrations, I have my own server (POP, HTTP, FTP) but I certainly would not like to draw attention to that machine.

Also, if the rest of you, who may still have their email address listed in their profiles don't want to go the same was as our Australian friend, I strongly suggest you remove it ASAP.

Last edited by hoverfly; 01-16-2011 at 12:43 AM. Reason: Restructured, rephrased and added
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