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hoverfly 07-17-2012 08:11 AM

Thanks Jobleau. I am in a little cocky mood at the moment, which is why I am keeping rather quiet right now. All this funeral thing is really getting me down and some days I am not so sure what's joke I should laugh about.

But on a different note, remember the first emails we exchanged. LOL. I did warn you.

Rambling, just rambling today.

jobleau 07-17-2012 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by hoverfly (Post 26774)
Thanks Jobleau. I am in a little cocky mood at the moment, which is why I am keeping rather quiet right now. All this funeral thing is really getting me down and some days I am not so sure what's joke I should laugh about.

Funerals?!?! Sorry, I was not aware. If you mentioned that already, I was not paying attention I guess. I sure didn't mean to pick on you. My condolences buddy.

hoverfly 07-19-2012 02:27 PM

Jo that had nothing to do with you whatsoever. Did I really forget to email you about Tim Cross passing away last week Monday? He was a composer, musician and producer (Mike Oldfield, TV Smith and the Adverts, Suzie Quattro, etc). He'd only been diagnosed with terminal lung cancer some six weeks ago during a routine checkup at the hospital. Sorry, I must have forgotten all about it.

I'll email you later. Hope you got the 'Hairy Bakers' Pies and Pasties links I sent you. More about all that in an email shortly.

jobleau 07-20-2012 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by hoverfly (Post 26834)
Jo that had nothing to do with you whatsoever. Did I really forget to email you about Tim Cross passing away last week Monday? He was a composer, musician and producer (Mike Oldfield, TV Smith and the Adverts, Suzie Quattro, etc). He'd only been diagnosed with terminal lung cancer some six weeks ago during a routine checkup at the hospital. Sorry, I must have forgotten all about it.

I'll email you later. Hope you got the 'Hairy Bakers' Pies and Pasties links I sent you. More about all that in an email shortly.

With all the demolition work I'm in right now, I must admit I'm way behind in my emails so it is very possible you wrote it and I haven't got to it yet. Gee! 6 weeks is fast! But then again, better be 6 weeks than 6 years of suffering when you are in such a condition... I did get the Hairy Bikers one and I hope the links will last as I won't have time to get them soon.

I'll try to catch up with your emails this weekend.

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