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Deva 05-18-2010 02:54 AM


Originally Posted by gtonkey (Post 1127)
Now I'm curious as to why people like this site?

Is it because you identify with Jack? Have a small dick humiliation fetish (regardless of your actual size, just like the idea of a bossy girl laughing/humiliating you) or you like to look at Jack and feel superior?

I know for me it's the second option....

At first, I felt superior... But after I watched the whole movie (12 minutes long) I admired Jack's stamina.

I mean, Jack could hold himself not to cum while a hot babe stroking his penis for 12 minutes...

If it was me, maybe I would have cum for like two minutes top or maybe even less than two minutes...

Dan 07-01-2010 06:59 PM

Paige: "It's like a fat clit!"

boyishman2 08-19-2011 10:34 PM

Some that I have had said directly to me or i have overheard:
"My 5 year old nephew's is bigger" (direct)
"I have never seen one so tiny as his" (overheard)
" I couldnt believe how small it was" (overheard)
"Sorry, I just thought that you would be bigger" (direct)
"He probably couldnt get a condem to fit" (Female friend's reply to my wife when she told her that i didnt use condems with her) - The female friend had assumed that I had a huge cock. - My wife set her straight on that score.

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