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mack 12-22-2010 06:17 PM

Any micro guys have manboobs too?
I developed boobs at 15. Curious to know if that common among small dick guys?

smallcocked 12-22-2010 08:59 PM

Hmm yeah I have them too..funny thing is I am only 130 LBS, 20 years old. boobs started developing at 17 years old..kinda amazing because back then I was even thinner. ... friends always ask me why your chest is so soft lol...lmao

Little Dick 12-24-2010 01:58 AM

yea i too have them... but im on the fatter side.... so its been there with me, ever since i was growing up

MiniMe404 12-24-2010 01:01 PM

Yeah, here too, not sure how much is manboob and how much is from my fluffiness...

minuteman 12-24-2010 08:31 PM

Sorry if I'm being unkind here, but manboobs are a feature of obesity - which in itself can also make your dick look smaller.

MiniMe404 12-25-2010 01:29 AM


Originally Posted by minuteman (Post 8590)
Sorry if I'm being unkind here, but manboobs are a feature of obesity - which in itself can also make your dick look smaller.

I'm not a doctor or in the medical/genetics profession by any means but I have known one or two guys who've developed small breasts without being even close to obese... Yes they were also of the small-cocked variety... May it have something to do with either a) a lack of sufficient testosterone, or b) an over-abundance of estrogen in ones system that is determined by genetics? Before I became fluffy, I can say for sure that my nipples were larger than the normal males.

yorchmcfly 04-15-2011 02:24 AM

i dont know why exists man boobs....but let me tell you that i got horny when i see a small dick with some big man boobs behind

Road 04-15-2011 04:58 AM

Ya I'm overweight but I thing I hate the most of myself our my manboobs. It's the I my part I was to get liposuction in because I feel it's the hardest part to lose weight from. But I'm not a doctor so I dunno.

kinkylittlecock1 04-19-2011 12:09 PM

My stepson has very nice boobs that are about the size of a shot glass with big nipples. He is not fat and his GF told his mom that he is hung like a horse. I am Bi and they catch my attention. Very nice.

yorchmcfly 04-20-2011 05:20 PM

i could take some attention at yours tinydick if they are big...i like manboobs

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