My Tiny Dick Forum - Best SPH Community

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smalldicklover 02-04-2011 04:08 AM

Penis size is serious business. I suppose you could sum up PE as manipulating your penis under enough stress to deform it lol. Docs don't prescribe or advise anything to anyone that isnt medically sound and many pe techniques would not get medical approval. All day stretchers are used in the penis enlargement process for before and after surgery, a doctor would only prescribe this sort of operation to someone with micropenis though so most people wouldn't qualify and would just get told to deal with their little cock. Ive used an all day stretcher and it made me slightly bigger. I got carried away and started stretching my cock out to a flacid 8 inches. Flacid gains will always come before erect gains, al though i could stretch my cock out to that length, it never got more than just about 7 inches erect.

Road 02-11-2011 09:13 PM

Well I haven't been on this website in a while, and I totally understand Crazys thought (weird phrase haha). I hateeee my small penis, because I can't and will never shake the feeling that girls care about size. And also I don't know about him, but in no way am I into SPH and and totally scared what a girl is gonna say when they first see it. And I guess I have the shitty end of both worlds, small and overweight I plan on dropping weight this year and if I drop as much as I can and see no change I will try PE.

smalldicklover 02-12-2011 01:05 AM

I wonder how all you guys who arent into sph found this forum. Y'all have watched the mtd videos i take it? Hated it so much you signed up. lol.

jobleau 02-12-2011 01:26 AM


Originally Posted by smalldicklover (Post 10090)
I wonder how all you guys who arent into sph found this forum. Y'all have watched the mtd videos i take it? Hated it so much you signed up. lol.

Well, in my case, I found the forum first. And I didn't joined the MTD site for the very reason I'm not into sph. But it's been fun exchanging with some fellows here.

rustyshackleford 02-12-2011 05:57 AM

i dont enjoy sph at all. just makes ya feel even more pathetic. but ive seen these videos of jack many times while trying to find some porn with small/average dicks. tired of seeing the ones bigger than my forearm. just happend to see a button leading to the forum the last time i found this site.. good to have a place where there Are others that arent endowed like the majority of the community

smalldicklover 02-12-2011 02:21 PM

Although its nice it makes you feel better having others to talk about your small cocks with, I think whether you like it or not you will see and read stuff that will enter your sub conscious and do as much damage as anything else, like seeing a big dick fuck a tiny girl. I mean the heading even reads 'MY TINY DICK' haha. Im just saying, i dont really care about anything so im just making convo. Ive read a few comments recently about what is actually relevant to this board, or certain threads, or who should post here, nothing is the answer. Its a whatever forum, not really about anything but 'the story of a man, his tiny dick and his wives girlfriends'! And not even about that!

crazy8 02-14-2011 03:02 PM

Hey road, i am overweight as well. I used to be fit in my teens, when i played hockey, but it was still small, loosing or gaining weight does not change anything.

No i am not into any kind of sph, and hearing a girl laugh at me would probably either make me want to kill myself, or kill her, or both.

Let me ask you something, you said that your afraid that the first time a girl will see it, she will laugh, have you been with a girl before?
Because if you have not, i have advice for you, if you have.....well good for you man.

greendragon2 02-14-2011 06:16 PM

umm yea
ya you guys need to take on a differnt mindset. Why would you care if a girl makes fun of your dick? I use to and use to be VERY DEPRESSED about it but im not anymore. I am almost certain if you can leave that thought behind you and stay erected after a harmful comment and stay happy and hard she will most likley continue fucking you. If she does not likes it ... so what? You do right? Whats more important in life your nut or hers? I would say mine cuz its all we got and it all that matters. Its are instinct to reproduce and we must follow it. Even tho its small it feels good dosent it? Its easier for her to suck and we get a better feeling cuz its like they are deep thraoting us with ease. Plus like I said earlier there are many lesbians that get off from just rubbing each others pussys together so Im sure your dicks are big enough. Involve toys if you must. Us small dicks are PERFECT for getting girls who dont like ass to like anal play. Play with her pussy stick a toy in it or vibrator and use your small dick to fuck her ass. If its small it has considerably less chances of hurting her and it will feel good even if its an inch. I reccomend to any one who has problem staying hard due to these mental challanges us small dicks face when showing are member is to eat a 50mg Viagra 1 hour before sex or 100mg Viagra once you worked your way up. Viagra I swear GORGES your dick with blood you will have never seen your dick so big before.. its not really bigger but just infalted to the MAX and will not go down and the hardon might hurt if you dont have any sexual activity and you may end up jacking off to control it. Also to further improve your hard on take a small injection of testastarone and then take a viagra.. Have any of you ever wondered why porn stars have such small balls? Its usually becuase they are doing this secret technique which I am describing here. Abuse of steriods will shrink your nuts but not your dick and its only temporary. Research this alot before getting into it. I do blood tests and all that stuff to montior my testatsrone levels and estrogen levels etc..
Yes I know it hard to predict when to have sex and I reccomend high quality escorts for this if you cant get any one your own. Fuck the USA escorts fly to a country known of quality escorts and it will be much cheaper and I swear the girls are WAAY HOT. I reccomend thailand. However this is only for you to get practice with your small dick.. In between escorts look for normal dates as well and try to get laid normally like any guy. Also BE CAUTION dont abuse viagra too much either or you wont be able to get hard with out it.
So yea im really tired of people talking bad about their small dicks. I wish you guys the best of luck and wish you would start thinking and treating your dick with more respect and I understand what any small dick guys may feel and I just try to give my advice which has helped me think like a normal male. Also premature ejaculation is a result of nervousness and in-experience hence why I reccomend getting lots of experience either it be with escorts or whatever. Also while your fucking and you want the girl to moan just have confidence and start moaning and even if she is faking it she will play along and it will be HOT. Just FYI porn is ACTING 90% of all those orgasms you see in porn is just acting they are over exgaterting their moans... They dont have to moan that loud if they didnt want to. The girl can being rammed by a huge dick and be totally quite as well. Oh also girls are whores and cheat all the time.. Girls cheat because they like to eat something strange here and there the same way guys do... its not becuase your dick is small ... cuz even if your dick was big you girl may cheat anyways cuz she wants to suck a small dick for once or a black dick or whatever shes thinking.. sometimes they just like to cheat becuase they feel like players the same way a guy does. so yea girls dont cheat cuz your dick is small they cheat because they cheat anyways regardless of dick size. Also if a girl truley loves you she wont cheat on you and some one who loves you wont lie about how they liek having sex with you espically if that girl has a small type of pussy... you can be that perfect fit for her. So you guys with small dick and with no girls... you get looking for them bitches now and start fucking and fucking and fuckign until you find that match of yours. and if you fail rember use escorts to keep your sex skills up and contoniue looking for that perfect match of yours. It out there. Also even if you ugly and with a small dick you may find that there are so many women out there they they prefer ugly guys so other girls dont look at you. Some girls like UGLY guys and with small dicks.

bmet 02-15-2011 04:42 AM

Due to my age, I find it difficult to maintain an erection. You mentioned Viagra, does Cialis or Levitra work as well? Also, the dosage?

I would like to hear from others with the same problem and what you did about it?

Road 02-15-2011 04:52 AM


Originally Posted by crazy8 (Post 10152)
Hey road, i am overweight as well. I used to be fit in my teens, when i played hockey, but it was still small, loosing or gaining weight does not change anything.

No i am not into any kind of sph, and hearing a girl laugh at me would probably either make me want to kill myself, or kill her, or both.

Let me ask you something, you said that your afraid that the first time a girl will see it, she will laugh, have you been with a girl before?
Because if you have not, i have advice for you, if you have.....well good for you man.

No, I haven't been that with a girl so close that she wants to see my penis. I'm a shy guy, the fact I hate my size doesn't help my self-esteem. I think I look average, if I dropped weight that would be awesome, but yea life is tough for me, and my small penis doesn't help me at all.

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