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crazy8 02-02-2011 03:41 PM

Size matters boys, learn to live with it or do something about it
I Have been doing a lot of reseach in this area. I have asked this question many times in many different places, and a girl on this site confirmed what i always suspected.
Size matters to every one. There is no girl on this planet that wants a 4 inch instead of 7.
Every single girl will prefer a big one over a small one.
Here is why some of us have been able to find women that stay with us. Its because some women dig personality more then size. Some girls, through experience, have learned that hung guys tend to be man whores. They cheat, they lie, they break hearts. So some women figure that while they might not be satisfied in bed, at least they feel secure knowing that their guy is not going to go out and cheat on them.
But rest assured, mo girl, i repeat no girl would prefer a guy with a smaller one. No matter how much they tell you that your perfect for them, no matter how much they say they enjoy you, if they had a choice to choose you with a small one, or you with a big one, dont kid your selves boys, they will pick you with the bigger one, guaranteed.
Some of you might ask why i posted this, i just want guys to know the truth.
Even my girl tells me im perfect for her and that she would not want any bigger, well guess what, she is a fucking liar. Any girl who is with a small guy, will cheat sooner or later. She may love you, but the deisre to be filled is nto easy to control.
So moral of this story, all of us here are fucked one way or another. No one here can feel safe that their other half is true to them.

smalldicklover 02-02-2011 04:24 PM

Your head is full of size queen rubbish.

crazy8 02-02-2011 04:52 PM

O come on man, who is going to prefer a smaller one, a virgin?
Good lick finding one of those, these little hoes our days start spreading thier legs real erly.
I dont understand what size queens have to do with anything. I thought it was obvious that size queens want donkey's. Im talking about the rest of the female population, while they may not be size queens, but they sstill feel better with a larger one then a smaller one. Its nature, the bigger the penis, the more contact it makes with the vagina, thus creating more pleasure for the girl. Did we all become ignorant all of a sudden?????????

smalldicklover 02-02-2011 05:08 PM

You're not telling me anything i don't know and you are right about most of what you say. I don't have a small one either, i'll post up pics when i could be bothered, dont want to seem like a boaster though. I'm just saying the language and the general theme of all your posts sounds like someone who has a serious sph/size queen fetish. I know because i have one too and have thought all of the stuff you written there before.

smalldicklover 02-02-2011 05:30 PM

RE penis enlargement, Ive been reading a lot about it again and I'm convinced enough to restart a new and improved pe routine with safety as my main concern. I'm determined not only to be over 7 but closer to 8. I know ill get flamed by all the PE non believers but i have a philosophy on why so little people do anything about their tiny dicks.

Okay.. Not everyone will know about PE. Of those who know not all will bother and most will think its bs. Of those who try it, most will either do it wrong and damage themselves (like i have previously done)or not stick at the routine. So you are left with a tiny percentage of people who actually carry it out to the point where they are doing it right or consistently for long enough to succeed. Thats my answer to the common 'if PE worked everyone would have big dicks' comment. Its not easy or comfortable to do but ive definitely changed my mind about it, mostly since being on this site and seeing how much pain small dicked guys seem to have bubbling under the surface.

I didn't mean to sound cuntish with my first comment, it just seems all too familiar to things i've thought in the past.

crazy8 02-02-2011 06:58 PM

No man, i have absolutely no desire to ever be with a size queen. Im pretty sure that i will never be with one in my entire life. Why would i want to be laughed at? Humiliated? fuck that.
All i was saying is that if a girl is with a guy who has a small penis, she is with him for something other then his size. And even though she may nevr admit it, she would prefer a larger one. My biggest point is that i used to believe that some day i will find a girl who will not only like me for me, but also liek the fact that im small.
All im trying to say is that there are no girls like that out there.
As dar as PE goes, im roud of you man, go for it. Im doing it too, lets try to help each other, share routines, tips advice, or to anyone else who is interested.

smalldicklover 02-02-2011 10:11 PM

Ok, I get you now. I dont know man you seem to place so much importance on penis size, I know where you are coming from, but from things you say its seems like its a very destructive thought process for you. My pe routine at present is the beginners routine outlined on thunders place, just to get me used to it again. I have pics of my penis measured now, if i make any real gains im going to document them on thunders as i did first time around. Its painfully slow but i want to distance myself from any feeling of having a small cock if humanly possible.

Little Dick 02-02-2011 10:15 PM

well honestly, this is wat i feel,

we guys who are short in the department care too much or lay too much stress on the aspect of getting physical or satisfying our respective partner, that we tend to loose focus, get nervous, etc and that plays a major aspect in a relationship.

well most woman prefer girth over lenght, and yes some prefer length. no doubt about that, its just a personal opinion of some one. some may like it smaller rather than hung, some wud prefer hung over smaller.

earlier I too used to focus a lot on the aspect that in small, but over the years. when u get comfortable with ur self. and with ur partner. things fall in place :)

so my advice is that stop thinkin so much about ur penis being small... just concenterate on having a nice time with ur partner

crossdresser_with_tiny_1 02-03-2011 06:07 AM

i dont really care that im tiny, it suits me, i think its cute, yes im still a virgin but i dont care. im happy with my life, sex is just a small part of it, its doesnt really matter

hoverfly 02-03-2011 09:20 AM

Crazy, if that was true, then the majority of men in Japan would a) never have sex, b) all go out for PE and c) would have to consider comitting suicide like you mentioned you do.

I know, I shouldn't say this. Get off the bloody internet and stop watching monster cock porn all day. In other words, get a life, mate.

A lot of people here have told you this before. You have to seek help. You can find almost everything on the web but the help you need isn't amongst it.

I do apologise for the tone of this post.

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