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Little Dick 04-04-2011 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by crazy8 (Post 12010)
I hope she does not get offended. But i was always under the impression that BINDICAT is a guy. So shes a girl who has a small penis husband/boyfriend?
I figured he was a guy and pic was of his girlfriend.
Anyway, there are a lot of guys who will do to earth end to make you happy. If your guy no longer wants to have sex, then its probably because he found other places to get.
I think you should be with a man that knows how to fully apreciate you

no crazy8, she did mention that they r having financial issues... and yes that does play a toll on ones mind... which in turn does have its affects on ones sexual life.... its a stupid cycle

bmet 04-04-2011 06:05 PM

Hey, guys, give her a break!

Most understand the pressure a man can endure.
Finances are the most difficult to solve unless family can help.

We know, we have been there; if not, it is coming....

crazy8 04-04-2011 06:08 PM

I have been there too. I have had many bad situations in life. Many sicne i met my current gf 2 years ago. We were homeless and slept in my car. Through everything, i never stopped wanting to fuck her.
People are different i guess.

BindiCat 04-04-2011 11:54 PM

Thank for the advice you guys. I really appreciate it. You all are way too nice. :D

And crazy8, I am a girl, and my avatar is a picture of me. I speak the truth. :p

LackingForeskin 04-05-2011 12:10 AM

It's really a crazy situation to be in. Money and sound finances are really at the root of happiness and peace of mind. It's sad but it's true. I'm not suggesting that you guys are destitute by any means, bindi, but everything just sucks so badly when you're jobless and not earning money. I know that when I was in that type of situation, nothing made me feel better. I can't say that I've ever been that depressed where i'd deprive myself an orgasm, however. But not everyone is the same. I'm sure you both have a lot on your minds, and I'm sure he loves and appreciates you more than he's showing you at the moment. Not being able to earn an income fucks with your emotions, self-esteem, and self-confidence on so many levels. It's really a touchy issue and there is no real answer. I can't even imagine how frustrating it must get. Hopefully he comes out of it once you guys are back on track, and you guys can resume your healthy sexual relationship.

Just wondering, bindi, have you at any moment ever felt like he was being unfaithful? I'm not suggesting you would give him any reason to want to stray, but I know that men get stupid sometimes after they've been in a relationship for a while and they start doing dumb shit. Doesn't sound like he's the type of person who would go that route, but I was just wondering.

BindiCat 04-05-2011 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by LackingForeskin (Post 12034)
Just wondering, bindi, have you at any moment ever felt like he was being unfaithful? I'm not suggesting you would give him any reason to want to stray, but I know that men get stupid sometimes after they've been in a relationship for a while and they start doing dumb shit. Doesn't sound like he's the type of person who would go that route, but I was just wondering.

No, I've never gotten that vibe from him. So if he was doing that, he's hiding it really well. :p

salmonpink 01-04-2012 09:12 PM

that's pretty bad, hope everything will be ok soon...

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