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justinm 09-30-2015 09:55 PM

ive only had sex a few times with 1 girl, every time though i cam within seconds of entering her. I have cum in my pants more times than i can count, especially at a strip club, but ive done it just seein a naked girl. IDK why but i have a super hair trigger, even jackin off i cum within a min or 2.

TinyClitLoser 02-24-2016 02:29 PM

15-30 seconds max for me....sometimes I couldn't penetrate into my gf. Wore chastity for extended periods, not I rarely even get erect and ejaculate while limp.

minuteman 02-25-2016 10:09 AM

Just wait!

When you get to my age, it takes ages to get it up and then constant work to keep it up!

However it does mean I can porn-surf for hours before blowing!:D

stubby 02-29-2016 08:25 PM

Exactly Minuteman, with and experience it gets better. I used to go so quickly that I couldn't entertain anyone for too long, but as the years went by it got better much better. Now I can control it and go multiple times with ease.

slipper 03-06-2016 11:38 PM

A very treatable issue if there are no physical complications, the latter of which is pretty rare. It is particularly common with younger men, especially early in their sexual relationship(s). I treated such quite successfully for some time in a large university clinic setting.

However, it is almost a necessity to have BOTH partners willingly participate in the counseling and behavior modification plan to make it work. All the best!!!

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