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I'm so tired of being a virgin....
Being 25 years old and a virgin is beyond killing me inside. I know my cock is small but I can't seem to find any ladies who will have sex. I'm almost to the point of where I will go find a hooker and pay for it. I've had a few bj's and a handjob here and there(only because they say they feel sorry for me) but enough is enough. Does anyone know of any good escort services in the oregon area maybe?. If its wrong to ask here then I apologize and you can delete my post but something has to give here :(
Well that released some of my frustration for now. |
As far as escort services I can't help you but I would like to give you some advice maybe? Don't rush things. I know that it's much harder to do it than say it. Not many guys want to be a virgin for a long time and I didn't either. I was 18 when I finally lost it to a friend of whom I only saw once after that then she moved away to college. It was fun at the time but when I started getting into serious relationships and eventually got married everything was different. Like I say to my neighbor's daughter... If you've waited this long then why not find the perfect person and lose it to them? I know, like I said earlier, it's frustrating, however when you get older and look back on things about your life you will wish that you could sometimes just go back in time and change stuff.
I know everyone thinks differently but if you're getting BJ's and HJ's the only thing you haven't lost is the title that you can give to that special someone. And believe me if you do wait it will make that first time SOOOO much more special. Just my opinion. |
if you live in oregon just go up to portland hit up a bar and get some bar flies!
dude I'm in your boat, i've already decided to hire an escort to satisfy my sexual needs and loose my virginity in the process unlike you i have never gotten a bj or hj because im just too insecure about my size to let any girl go down there. i'v had 4 gf's in the past and failed to do anything past french kissing and fingering (btw im 18). i am currently in florida for the summer then going back to college in jamaica where i live. so basically i've been looking at escort ads everyday for the last week to find that perfect girl to bone i've even called a few and their quite friendly. theres this one that i like she's 28, very thick (ass), dark skin and pretty face. im planning on meeting her as soon as i get the right condoms to fit my skinny size johnson. idk about you but i really dont care about the whole wait on the right girl crap, guess im not morally minded like some people lol. infact hiring a escort would prepare me more for when i meet that right girl, as in i would rather cum fast with an escort than with a future gf to save me the embarrassment, and also boosting my confidence, feel me
dude everybody is not same i would suggest that if your not really into the whole buying sex thing and feel it would affect you psycolgically in the future if you do go through with it, then dont do it and wait on the right girl. only call or go to an escort when your horny and just in need of some pussy, if you go there just to loose your v card then your going to be nervous and end up not getting an erection as a result. anyway dude good luck,. the escort site i use is backpage.com, its easy to use just google backpage and the state/city/county where your from and escort at the end heres and example. backpage,ft lauderdale, escorts. By the way dude at your age you shouldn't even be worrying how you loose it, you just wanna know you lost it, I suggest you go and bone a escort and enjoy life bro remember we only live it once! So Why wait on a girl that will probably never come and waste years of potential sex, and if she does come she'll probably end up being a bitch to you over time and toss you aside (not guaranteeing that she will). Anyway again dude good luck! |
Read some of my previous postings
Sometimes life is a bitch when you are a dick, too. ;)
Not when you have to resort to finding prostitutes 'cause you're one of the sad people who actually care about losing their virginity. I'm sorry, but people who care about that (and people who judge others BECAUSE of that) are pathetic. :/ Save it for the right woman, man. Don't give it away to some ugly (and probably diseased) lil slag for BASICALLY no reason. I don't even know anymore. :/ All the bloody obsession about losing your virginity to a stranger, or at the very least someone you're in love with... disgusts me. |
Its not only about just loosing your virginity.
Its about dying to find out what a woman looks like , smells like, sounds like, feels like....you get the point. So what are some of these guys suppose to do? Take chances with girls they know and risk being laughed at, have rumors start about them??? I never ever sudjested anyone go to a dirty hooker. But why not a nice, expensive escort service? Even one time, just to finally experience it for themselves. I think its well worth it. Spend close to 400 - 500 $. Get the hottest girl you can possibly find. I think its well worth it if you are a virgin. |
Oh and what is the point of saving your virginity for this one special person, when odds are that special person have lost their virginity a long time ago.
Yea, in a dream world, you meet a hotty, she tells you shes a virgin, you tell her you are too. Your are both each others first, and you live happily ever after. But lets skip back to reality for a second. In our day and age, good fucking luck trying to find a girl that is still a virgin. With your advice greatsayaman, some of these guys will die virgins. |
If I had a cool 600-700 to spend, I would hit up an escort. Im one the dudes crazy refers to, I just want this to be over with...and it's an escort so that means things will be don't properly. Most are safe and clean, and pretty to boot. Greatsayanman, can tell us how your life has been with a small size?
I don't really understand the obsession with it either, but maybe it's because I'm not a guy.
I lost mine just before I turned 21. It wasn't a big deal before then, and it wasn't a big deal after. |
Yeah, just go waste your hundreds of dollars on one lousy fuck. Jesus.
And no, not really. It's not all that hard to find a girl who's saved herself. Mine hasn't done it with anyone, but then again, she's quite young and isn't really all that interested in sex currently. And if it turns out she isn't in the future, that's fine too. It's called love-making for a reason, and losing your virginity just because you think you're gonna die a virgin or because you're so obsessed with finding out how a girl feels... it's kinda sad, you must admit. Sex was, originally, just for reproduction. Yes it's fun and yes it helps with your hormonal spikes when you just wanna go fuck something sometimes. But it was ORIGINALLY just to reproduce, nothing more. I don't see why it's so important to fuck someone and get rid of the title of "virgin." For me, virginity is a good thing. It means both people, when they finally do it, will only know the feeling of the other. And that, for me, is what makes it special. Don't get me wrong, I've had those urges. I've been offered sex on a good few occasions, twice by a girl who'd already seen and felt my dick, but I just... didn't want to lose it to them. I didn't love them. EDIT: Sorry Road, didn't see what you said, adding my reply now: It's been good. Really hasn't been a problem for me, I've had a handjob from one girl and really that's the only girl I could be bothered doing it with. I've also let another girl watch me on cam (she was 17 or 18, I was 12 or 13, she wanted to have sex as I said earlier but I backed out eventually. I was obsessed with her but I realized it wasn't love... so yeah.). Both of them liked it so hell, that's always a good thing. Just lately I've found that SPH appeals to the submissive side of me, so it's quite fun to get into. ^^ |
I think all you need is $350-$450, plus money for hotel room. And listen man, i kind of understand where the others are coming from. In regards to saving yourself, and not loosing it to just anyone. The problem with those statements is that you are not a virgin by choice. You are a virgin because of the cards you were dealt. So saving yourself for that reason makes it less special. Do it once, just see, smell, feel what pussy is like. Once, just to get the hang of it. After that, follow my advice and go pick up some girls that are not from around your area. You could have started a conversation with any one of the girls that you say always stare at you for some reason. What you will realize once you get into the groove of regular sex....is that most girls are pretty much the same. Sex is not some magical power that you have, but simply a fun activity that becomes less of a big deal once your not deprived of it. I always loved this quote "sex is like air, its not a big deal unless you are not getting any" |
i know how people feel about never having the chance to have sex and i can sympathise with them as im sort of in the same boat although im not a virgin i havent had sex in nearly 8 years ive been thinking of using a gay escort service but dont have the funds
Nice quote. :D
If you're referring to me about the choice thing, it is by choice. I've been offered with 3 or 4 girls in the past and turned them all down. Not because of my size, but because they weren't girls I loved. :P |
if I'm still a virgin 365 days from now, I will strongly consider escort service.
I have a friend who's 27, and he has yet to even kiss a girl. So you're still doing ok. :p
Lol well why not just get it over with and end his problem??!
'cause she's actually devoted to her man? :P
He finally got the car thing taken care of just recently. It's unfortunate; he's actually fairly attractive. But being that shy is enough of a handicap, and once you start closing in on 30 years old the girls aren't going to come around in droves after they hear that you still live with your parents and that you don't have a driver's license. |
But is he in the same boat as most of guys here?
Is he shy because he is small? |
I have no clue. He's too shy to talk; he wasn't about to take his clothes off. :p
I imagine being small is the biggest reason why some guys are still virging at such old age.
or maybe he's repressed or something.
Hard to picture a perfectly sane man with a perfectly normal penis that is still a virgin.
I mean baring any mental disabilities, or religious nonsense, i cant picture a guy with a normal dick not having sex at all. So if to your knowledge he is not mentaly challenged, or overly religious. Im pretty sure he is small. Tell him about this site :) |
Such a naive outlook you have, crazy. :P
What you call naive, i call reality
I would love to know that there are still people out there who believe in saving themseves. Especially women :) But reality is that with every coming generation, kids are starting to have sex younger and younger. Do you know at least 3 people personalilly who are in their late 20's and still virgins. By choice? Or are your comments widely based on your own humble opinion? |
I know quite a lot of people, from my 'til... well quite old. Not late 20's, but I don't know anyone in their late 20's who aren't married so that doesn't count. :P
not saying that a 13 or 14 year old should just run and have sex no, but why wait until your in your mid twenties and miss out on years of potential good sex. |
Might I respectfully suggest that you get off your computer and go where there are potentially eligible women and interact with them in meaningful ways. Then, establish some relationships and see where they go. :D If you really want to pay for it, I suspect there are better resources on the Internet than this site.
Good luck! :) |
its my personality that gets me the women not my dick (the latter has cost me a few opportunities but never opened the door in the first place) Once I have managed to get a lady to bed only on a few occassions has sex not happened because of my small cock.
I've already accepted the fact I will die a virgin.
Look, love is great, ideal even. But sometimes you just got to get laid. I'd recommend Vegas, it's legal, they come to your room. When I was younger and completly frustrated I went to Nevada. Had sex with a beautiful Asian girl. She was hot, pinup hot. I fucked her and left. Half way down the driveway of the Mustang Ranch I pulled a u-turn. Went back and had a black girl. I need it, they needed the money. It's my secret, but I don't regret it. Don't make too big of a deal out of it. Don't give up on love either.
try to find a small woman and have sex with her, not discouraged, you can do it!
The best places to meet women grocery store, laundry mat, local park- dog park, home improvement stores. If you have hobbies try places that are orrieneted towards that to meet someone with like interest. If you just wanna get laid with no commitment go pick up a bar-fly, 3 a.m. its really easy. Basicly just go outside and talk to people it will happen as long as you are not overly shy or weird. Keep us posted on the progress.
Well it happened. I met a chick on yahoo chat(32 yr old mom) and she was watching me on cam and asked where in oregon I was and we kept talking for about a month and she wanted to meet up and see my jack off in person.
So after about 3-4 meetings she asked how many women I had been with and I told her none. She said she didn't believe me but we kept our I guess sessions going for another 2 weeks or so and today I went over to her house and she went into the bathroom while i was getting ready on her bed. She came out completly naked and told me "Today you'll feel what pussy is like". She sat on the edge of the bed and told me get on my knees. She spread her legs and told me to start licking around her pussy and slowly insert my finger in it. So about 5 minutes of that and my little guy was hard as a rock(about 3.8-4). She told me sit down and started sucking my dick and I lasted maybe 5 mins before I blew in her mouth. I was kinda embarrassed and thought the fucking wouldn't happen but she told me to just lay back and relax and she sucked on my dick and balls for about 15 minutes before I started to get hard again. She said reverse cowgirl would be best and omg was it. I tried to last as long as I could but that warmth was too much and I busted again after about 10 minutes. She said we can do it again this weekend and I couldn't be fucking happier right now. So i'm wondering what are some tips I can try to be able to last longer? |
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