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BindiCat 07-08-2011 05:46 PM

No problem. My various doctors have me on a ton of different medicines, which I've never been too fond of, but I've just dealt with it. After my hair started falling out from one drug, and they wanted to give me a different drug as a replacement that has an FDA black box warning because it can give you some crazy fatal skin disease (which they conveniently didn't mention when they wrote me the prescription and I specifically asked about side effects; I didn't find that out until I started doing my own research), I was like "Ok, I'm done."

So I've been looking into herbal remedies for stuff. I like proving my doctors wrong, too. I'd rather look like a hippy with all my different plants than be bald and dead because of some medicine they thought might work out for me.

stickybob 03-25-2016 03:18 AM

I'll reserect this post. I've been using Horny Goat Weed for a week now, and wow! First, the name seems goofy but this has been around for ages. It's a herb that shepards noticed had a strange effect on the male sheep. It's natural so I don't hesitate to recommend it for a try. Also, the active ingredient is the same as in viagra ,just less powerful. So, what did I experience?
1) the first night I woke up with a throbbing boner, despite no erotic dreams. In general my erection is a little harder but also more on demand.
2) my flaccid penis is larger. Not physically bigger but more often out of its hide hole. Very relaxed and present. I like that!
3) finally, at 58 I experience a soreness in my balls after an organism. Sometimes this will last for three hours. Very disconcerting. This went away immediately upon using HGW.
You should Google it and read up on it. But for $15 for a months supply I say, why not? I'm a fan.

Sixincher 04-01-2016 10:24 PM


soreness in my balls after an orgasm. Sometimes this will last for three hours. Very disconcerting.
I don't think I'll try then

slipper 04-04-2016 12:17 AM

"Penis pills" Hehehehehe, more like penis piss--other than the three advertized prescription blood-flow enhancers all is snake-oil or worse, meaning you don't know WHAT it is and what it will do!!!

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